Name of Story:
Cutscene / Character Interaction:
Cutscene count
Local Cutscene count
Alliance count
Remove Ally count
Chat count
Interrogation count
Simple Choice count
Rescue Encounters:
Rescue Caged count
Rescue Fire count
Rescue Frozen count
Save Civilian count
Escort count
Object Encounters:
Examine count
Guard Object count
Sabotage count
Disarm Bomb count
Destroy Object count
Snatch count
VIllain/Conflict Encounters:
Fight count
Hunt count
Heist count
Flee The Scene count
Gang War count
Rival Factions count
Destruction Encounters:
Building Rampage count
Immediate Building Rampage count
Rampage count
MISC Encounters:
One Shot Power Trap count
Switchable Power Trap count
Wait count