GogglesPizanno's Warehouse


Welcome to my little corner of Freedom Force Universe where you can download some addons and other assorted "stuff" for use with the game Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Most of the things you will find here are add-ons for FFX 3.2 or conversions of old Freedom Force content to work in the new game.

04/14/08 - EZScript Assistant

This is an online tool to help speed the creation of EZScript Stories. It will spit out all the necesary blank skeleton code for the encounters you specify, enabling you to focus more on the actual story and less on the technicalities.

01/26/08 - FF1 Mappack 2.0

The Second release of my FF1 map pack for FFvTR. It includes ~160 FF1 maps, converted objects and textures needed to play in FFvTR. The Beta is a standalone MOD that wont change or alter any game settings. See the included Read me for more information.

09/23/07 - Colonial Marine Skope

Here is a skope of a colonial marine from the movie Aliens. Its based on the Punisher mesh done by Texas Jack.

09/06/07 - FF1 Mappack *Beta*

The first BETA release of my FF1 map pack for FFvTR. It includes all maps, converted objects and textures needed to play in FFvTR. The Beta is a standalone MOD that wont change or alter any game settings. See the included Read me for more information.

09/06/07 - FFX Plugin Pack #1

Uploaded and posted my first pack of FFX plugins (electrical damage, medical facilities and police backup). These are the same ones that were in my yahoo group, so you dont need to redownload again if youve already got them.

09/06/07 - Building Re-Textures #1

These are sets of new textures for use with the stock buildings in FFvTR. There are a dirtier and less cartoony alternative to the standard textures that came with the game. They are more in line with the look of the first game. There are 3 variations

© 2007 Goggles Pizanno | Design by Andreas Viklund